

deprecated: 1.6 since: 1.2

Declaration [src]

adw_about_window_set_debug_info (
  AdwAboutWindow* self,
  const char* debug_info

Description [src]

Sets the debug information for self.

Debug information will be shown on the Troubleshooting page. It’s intended to be attached to issue reports when reporting issues against the application.

AdwAboutWindow provides a quick way to save debug information to a file. When saving, AdwAboutWindow:debug-info-filename would be used as the suggested filename.

Debug information cannot contain markup or links.

Available since: 1.2

Deprecated since: 1.6

Use AdwAboutDialog.



Type: const char*

The debug information.

The data is owned by the caller of the method.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.